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Doctor In The Dock

DR. ARIZA MOHAMED (S Currently’h Associate Professor with UnikL-RCMP inlpoh. She teaches medical students. One of the topícs she taught

MOTHER OF THE BELIEVERS: Lesson From Shaykh Yasir Qadhi – (Firdaus Press Publication)

Mothers of the Believers (Ummahat al-Mu'minin) is a narration on the wives of the Prophet SAW - those revered by the Muslims. Existing works on the Mothers of the Believers are not only ragged and incomplete patchworks, but they run risks of approaching two extremes. On one extreme, the Mothers of the Believers are inappropriately idolised as angels, whereas on the other side of the spectrum, they are depicted and discussed as ordinary people. The Mothers of the Believers are neither angels nor simple laypeople, and this book provides a balanced account of their history, following the discussion by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi and his voluminous works on Islamic studies.

My Body and Its Secret Mind – Firdaus Press

The Body Holds The Secrets To Our Mental Well-Being The gift of LIFE. One per person. Non-transferable. Limited time span.